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Sara Coutant

how to live a wild life

Hi, friend. I'm Sara. Welcome!


I'm based in San Diego, California and love all things creative. I aspire to make every moment of this little life dreamy and beautiful.

I am a singer/songwriter and recording artist. I currently have five singles and an EP on Spotify and Apple Music with another single on the way.

In addition, I am a social media manager, content creator, blogger, and model. I'd love to create with you and for you in any way I can.

Thanks for stopping by!

M   U   S   I   C

V   I   D   E   O


L I F E S T Y L E   M O D E L I N G

C O U P L E  M O D E L I N G

G R A P H I C S  &  D E S I G N